Case Study
Mortgage Industry Sales Improvement Through Data Integration
The Leading Mortgage company in South Eastern Michigan contacted USATInc with an interest in design, development, and implementation of Automatic Mailers Engine (AME) to help their sales team with an effective and effortless marketing approach. Solution: As the premium Business IT Solutions provider, USATInc took the challenge and worked with the client. Identified the efforts and hurdles involved in reaching the goal. The team of experts at USATInc analyzed the variables in the initiative and brainstormed with the client in deriving the right approach to meet the given objectives of the initiative. Project execution is started upon the definition of the scope, schedule, budget, and quality measurements. The systematic approach and Project Management methodologies were applied during the course of meeting the challenge.
USATInc was able to deliver the desired deliverables and also implemented the solution on Client’s network. Configured the servers as part of the implementation. Data integration between CRM system and Sales Activity and Approach Tracking was made to enable the required functionalities in the initiative. The result while meeting the scope, time, and budget constraints were greatly appreciated by the entire sales team. The project lasted approximately Six Months from the kick-off meeting to the completion of implementation. The sales team at the client organization who are the end-users of the outcome were very happy. They found the easiness of User Interface greatly saved their time and efforts. A great improvement and quicker way to reach out the prospects, with simple and professional communication. Technology: ASP, HTML, Microsoft Office 2003 Automation, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft Outlook 2003. Visual Basic, ADO are technology pool used by the team of experts at USATInc in meeting the goal. Microsoft SQL Server DTS, XML and FaltFile technologies in transforming the data between various systems. Crystal Reports components used in report generation features